Maribel Ortega's absolute triumph as Turandot in Sabadell
April 24th, 2024
Following the premiere on 17 April of the opera Turandot, produced by the Fundació Òpera a Catalunya, the specialised press has echoed the great work of soprano Maribel Ortega.
Thus, the magazine Scherzo comments that: "The Jerez soprano Maribel Ortega in the title role is a guarantee of success, as she is a confident and dominant dramatic soprano. In the scene of the enigmas she showed a cutting phrasing like the executioner's sabre or a hypothetical scratch of her very long fingernails, as well as exposed high notes, delivered with assurance and good control in the preceding "In questa reggia". It was perfectly credible from "Che è mai di me? Perduta... Come vincesti?" to the end, when the ice melts as she finally understands the meaning of love after Liù's sacrifice and Calaf's kiss".
For its part, the magazine Ópera Actual highlights the soprano's technical prowess: "Maribel Ortega led the cast and did so with more than ample means in a role that presents obvious difficulties. From her first words ("In questa reggia") the voice ran through the theatre like a laser beam and the soprano showed she had mastered the role from end to end, with moments of beautiful phrasing". Looking back, Diari ARA underlines: "It was also nine years ago when Maribel Ortega took on the role of the "ice princess". Now she has returned with a well-toned voice and good projection, and with the role much more mature".
On the other hand, the Diario Sabadell, also highlights the vocal mastery -technical and interpretative- of the Jerez-born soprano: "Maribel Ortega reappeared with one of the roles she will be remembered for in Sabadell. Few people can embody the psychotic Turandot, and she has approached it with sufficient authority and firmness. In this sense, she seeks a flexibility in her singing that distances her from the permanent image of a constantly declamatory vocals. [...] extension - especially in the high register, including over-emphasis, yes - with a technical control and mastery of the instrument that she knows how to channel. As I have written on other occasions, Ortega is an intelligent singer who knows how to pace herself without bringing accents to the phrases or the enunciative violence inherent to the character. The savagery that is her opening aria In questa reggia, corroborated this as much as the final duet".