GoDirect is an artistic representation agency, created in February 2006 as a result of the union of a group of people with previous experience in communication, advertising and marketing who decided to create an innovative project for the management of artistic careers.
Our main objectives are to ensure that the artists careers of our clients are developed in a way that meets their expectations and to guarantee the best possible use of their skills.We are also committed to achieving an excellent relationship with the entities and organizations which hire the services of our artists. Also we believe we are especially prepared to provide the best choices to suit the needs of theatres, orchestras and concert halls. |
We also use the latest and most modern media techniques and methodologies in order to ensure that the career and performances of our artists have the best and most appropriate media support.
Our scope of action is the world of opera, classical music concerts and recitals, and musical events, including corporate evens. Geographically speaking, we work with special intensity in Spain and Portugal, countries where we have offices, but our area of action also extends to the rest of Europe and the United States |