Manuel Coves' great success with the ballet Carmen in Monte-Carlo
January 11th, 2024
After the premiere last December 30 of the ballet Carmen by Johan Inger with Les ballets de Monte-Carlo, the media have echoed the brilliant work of the orchestra conductor from Linares.
Thus, in Prestige's one can read: "L'orchestre philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, instalé dans la fosse et dirigé de main de maître par Manuel Coves ne ménage pas sa peine et lorsqu'il entame l'Habanera, le public a du mal a ne pas l'accompagner en tapant des mains." [The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, masterfully conducted by Manuel Coves, spared no effort and, when the Habanera began, the audience found it hard not to applaud].
Also about this production, Classique News magazine comments as follows: "Fulgurante, passionnelle, la musique du ballet se réalise depuis la fosse, voluptueuse et férocement dramatique grâce à l'implication de tous les pupitres d'un resplendissant Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo (placé sous la direction du fougueux chef espagnol Manuel Coves), formidable organe orchestral qui palpite et rugit selon les pulsions et convulsions de l'héroïne ainsi magnifiée. " [Fulgurant, passionate, the music of the ballet comes to life from the pit, voluptuous and fiercely dramatic thanks to the involvement of all the orchestral sections of the brilliant Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra (conducted by the passionate Spanish conductor Manuel Coves), a formidable orchestral organism that throbs and roars according to the impulses and convulsions of the heroine thus magnified].